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Art & Design project HNC

Art & Design project HNC

This year for project i wanted to work with moving image again but try and really push myself. i dont want to ignore the fact that i have done research before, i want this to seem like i am pushing forwards from what i have done before.

Here are blog posts i have done in the past that i am going to use as a foundation to build upon.

Tony Oursler is an American multimedia and installation artist. I looked at his work last year.

I really liked his work, I love the first two and the use of 3D mapping for the projections. But the last one I thought was really brilliant.

His work stands out to me because it combines scultpor and film, it also has a lot of references to pop art and kitsch, which is the German word for trash. It is used to describe things that are in poor taste, cheap or tacky but appreciated in an ironic way.

I think i would try this idea out but without 3D mapping because that is very time consuming. I would love to think about this and do something of my own.

Jean Painlevé was a photographer and filmmaker who specialized in underwater fauna.

I love the colours in this, I think it is so beautiful. I also like that it is a bit abstracted and you when you watch it you are just enjoying the visuals not questioning what it should be.

I like this because of how different it is. the use of macro and the way it makes you see something that you wouldn't normally see, and even if you did in a way you wouldn't view it with your eye.

Joan Jonas is an American visual artist and a pioneer of video and performance art who is one of the most important female artists to emerge in the late 1960s and early 1970s

This stood out to me very much because I felt it was exactly what I though of when i heard moving collage. I love how unusual these films are. They have a lot of greta visuals.

Meshes of the Afternoon is a short experimental film directed by wife-and-husband team Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. Is about A woman returning home falls asleep and has vivid dreams that may or may not be happening in reality. Through repetitive images and complete mismatching of the objective view of time and space, her dark inner desires play out on-screen.
This film took me by surprise because it was so good. I love the fact you have to give up your ideas of time and reality. Some of the scenes just blew me away.

another film by Maya Deren I liked is Called 'At Land'

I really liked this one because it is written, directed by, and starring Maya Deren. It is about a woman who is washed up on a beach and goes on a strange journey encountering other people and other versions of herself. I like how it highlight her own identity as well as how she interests with others. I love the symbolism of her crawling towards the man at the table.

Staying on the avant garde theme I wanted to look at Un Chien Andalou (1929) - An Andalusian Dog - Co-written by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali, this silent film was made completely according to surrealist principles.

Meaning it used surrealistic images including the slitting open of a woman's eye and a dead horse being pulled along on top of a piano. I love this film because it is so open to so many different interpretations it could be very deep and meaningful to completely meaningless.

At this point I wanted to try and experiment with film. I decided to start by coming up with a story working alongside my theme. I wanted to start by working out a 'story line' as its something I have never really done before and working in a more avant garde way.


Over the Christmas break i downloaded Premier pro so i could work from home, i started experimenting with different ideas i used the images of the eyes as first to get the hang of the programmer. It is a lot more complex than what i have used before so i played around with the slit screening and the overlays.

Following my theme of PC culture continuing from my photography uni i wanted to start making work towards that idea.

I wanted to start thinking about my digital collages, how i use symbols to express ideas or discuss topics. I wanted to think about how i use eyes, mouths, body positions and objects. How can i do this in film?

I started by thinking about the 'banned words' i have been looking at.

I started by thininking about the idea of banning words in places where we have freedom of expression and how that works, I played around with a few ideas on how to do this and decided to try and use film where words are being taken out the mouth and put back in.

I wanted to continue with this film in a different post to itself. 


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