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Art & design Project PT 2.

Concentrating on collage i wanted to experiment with moving collage, i first took an existing collage and converted the layers on Photoshop to smart objects, then started moving them around.

These were fun to make but just were not grabbing my attention at all, i wanted to go back and think more about what home is. I found this amazing Ted Talks and it really helped inspire my way of thinking about home.

I wanted to start thinking of home as a feeling not something as solid images, so how could i do this? I want to make something that mimics the feeling of home when you are viewing it...

colours, movement, sound.

I decided to look at artists that use colour and movement. While looking around i found an artists called Sonia Falcone. Falcone is a Bolivian painter and artist. Falcone uses a range of mediums, like painting, photography, installation, and sculpture. Her very colourful work seems very spiritual and all linked to her heritage and ancestry.
Color Field Mixed media installation. Clay pots and spices.

Montes-de-Color Oil on canvas, 200 X 125 cm

Windows of the soul II 3D Video Installation

This video installation was exhibited at Santa Cruz Biennale 2010.

The windows of the soul installation links to the world, the universe and its changing form of elements, showing different mixtures of colours. Falcone expresses herself with geometric shapes; structures, vibrations and colour and is inspired by her life and so her experiences. 

I was so interested in this work i wanted to know how it was made, i found out that Falcone used a dark room with  mirrors on both sides of the walls and below on the floor.

She projected her moving colors across six meter thin slats. She used a 3D mapping programme that is controlled by a computer.

I really liked the idea of this and i got really excited by it so i decided to try it out myself. if i could. 

I wanted to first look at the idea of colour and how it is used to express mood. I did a blog post near the beginning of the year on colour theory and how it works.

I know about warm and cool colours. Warm colours are associated with feelings of warmth,comfort, romance and heat but are also associated with violence and anger. Cool colours are associated with calm, cleansing, cold but also sadness and isolation.

I started researching and came across something called Chromotherapy.  This is a practice used by different cultures, the idea of it is that colours can heal. It is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colorology.

From what i could read In this treatment:
Red = increase circulation.
Yellow = purify the body.
Orange = heal the lungs and to increase energy levels.
Blue = treat pain and illnesses
Indigo = alleviate skin problems.

I stared to look at the more scientific side of colour therapy.

One study i found said that warm-colored placebo pills were reported as more effective than cool-colored placebo pills.
Another that installing blue-colored streetlights can lead to reduced crime in those areas.

One said that the color red causes people to react with greater speed and force.

I found this very interesting and decided to start making work. I wanted to try and capture the feeling of home in the form of a moving collage, but i wanted to try and think more abstractly and collage colours that i think express mood.

so i started creating images, i used collages i had already made in the theme of "home" and i started distorting them using smart filters on photo shop. I thought about the colours in the collages and looked at the idea of cool and warm to try and make images that seemed calming. 

I then tried to blend them together and i wanted them to move around like my moving collages above. 

I really liked this! i thought it worked so well I then decided to project it in my house to see how well it worked and upload it to Instagram. I wanted to keep working on this, i will upload in a separate blog post. 


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