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Last portfolio report

I wanted to think about what kind of reports i have done so far and what i have learnt. I have looked at students who have portfolio's for further education, artists who use their portfolio to sell work online and artists who use a portfolio for personal reflection. I have looked at the pro's and con's of digital and paper portfolio's and how they work for each artist. I wanted to think about the pro's and con's i have learnt a bit...

Digital Pro's:

Easily accessible
Reaches a wider audience ( online )


Effects mood of work if on screen
People view images constantly online and are more likely to flick past it on a computer
Cannot get a good idea of size or texture
Loosing parts digitally stored

Paper based Pro's:

Easier to connect with viewer if in the flesh
Can see size and texture
Shows commitment to viewer by physically bringing your portfolio to them
Gives the viewer a better feel/ connection with the work


harder to send / bring to viewer
Harder to reach buyers if selling, as everything is now online
Damage and storage.
Keeping it up to date and looking professional can take a lot longer then a digital one.

I wanted to do my last report on someone who needs to use a digital portfolio. Greg Armstrong is student at Napier University in Edinburgh, studying Digital art,He is building his creative skills using a wide rang of applications and drawing methods to help him into the gaming and film industry.

I wanted to look at Gregs portfolio because it is almost completely digital. Some of His portfolio dose include drawings...

But most of these are scanned in to be used to digitally develop them. I thought this was interesting, because his portfolio has to be digital really. I think another reason for a portfolio to be digital is if you are in a digital industry.

Thinking if a portfolio is fit for purpose is important. At the moment my own portfolio is paper based and is fit for purpose for applying for my next year, if i was doing animation or digital art i would expect to have a digital one.


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