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Showing posts from April, 2018

Art & design Project PT 2.

Concentrating on collage i wanted to experiment with moving collage, i first took an existing collage and converted the layers on Photoshop to smart objects, then started moving them around. These were fun to make but just were not grabbing my attention at all, i wanted to go back and think more about what home is. I found this amazing Ted Talks and it really helped inspire my way of thinking about home. I wanted to start thinking of home as a feeling not something as solid images, so how could i do this? I want to make something that mimics the feeling of home when you are viewing it... colours, movement, sound. I decided to look at artists that use colour and movement. While looking around i found an artists called  Sonia Falcone. Falcone is a Bolivian painter and artist. Falcone uses a range of mediums, like painting, photography, installation, and sculpture. Her very colourful work seems very spiritual and all linked to her heritage and ancestry. Color

Digital Art

I wanted to look at 3 different artists that work digitally, i felt it gave me a better understanding of how digital art can be used... Julian Opie Opie was born in London in 1958 he graduated in 1982 from Goldsmiths, University of London. He is a visual artist of the New British Sculpture movement, a name given to the work of a group of artists, sculptors and installation artists who began to exhibit together in London, England, in the early 1980s.  On his website the first thing that really caught my eye was his paintings section. The figures he paints are created by thick black outlines and filled in with solid areas of flat color. They look very minimal but also remind me of pop art. I like how simple they are, but they still read as people.  Paint on overlaid aluminium panel 190 x 156 cm Beach Head I then came across this album cover he made for Blur And i loved it, i looked more at his page where he made por

Illustration / Digital Media - Victo Ngai

Illustration. Digital Art.  Victo Ngai is a digital illustrator who make illustrations for news papers and magazines, she has made work for the New Yorker and the New York Times. She also creates story board for animations from company's like dream works. I really love her work, it is so creative and has such imagination in it. I love the fantasy of it as well as the technique. I read that she draws her work out with pen/ink and then after it is approved she takes it onto Photoshop where it is colored digitally.  She wrote about how she works which i find very interesting... "I start with learning what my clients want me to communicate: what is the most important thing that I need to showcase in this piece? From then on I brainstorm and see what kind of visuals will be relevant and will be the best symbolism or metaphor to communicate this idea and tell this story."  I really liked this technique

Collage investigation. Art & design project (pt 1)

PART 1 For my art & design project my chosen theme is home . I was inspired to have this as my theme because of the personal development program i did back in June 2017.  Just before i traveled out to Venice, for this development program, I had just moved out of the home i shared with my Ex partners for 4 years. After a brief time at my parents i ended up moving to where i live now, in Galashiels. I was here for about a week before i flew out. Wandering the streets of Venice, alone, it was a big change for me in my mind set because i was seeing myself as more of a singular person. About 2 weeks in i got pretty homesick, i missed my cats as sad as that is. I realized the place i missed was not my home anymore. It got my thinking about the concept of home... If i asked where are you from?, the answer might be different than if i asked you where is home? Is it a place?, a Country?, a town?, where you grew up?, where your family is?, where your friends are?, where you have bee