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Showing posts from January, 2018

Art History - Cubism

 Cubism was created by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braques between 1907 - 1914. It is considered one of the most influential art movements. Cubism Was hugely inspired by the works on Cezanne using the idea that images could be created to show multiple view points by breaking down objects back to there geometric parts. Unlike art movements previous to it, Cubist painters rejected the idea that art should copy nature. They wanted instead to highlight the two-dimensionality of the canvas, so they reduced and split objects. It was conceived as ‘a new way of representing the world’ and at the time, it was. It opened up new possibilities for artists as it was seen as a revolutionary approach in viewing the world, and how it could be expressed visually. It is deemed now, as the first style of “abstract” art. Cubism began Paris in 1907/1908. It was created by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso; Cubism became one of the most influence styles in the 20th century. It is generally agreed that


My final idea for my printmaking unit I decided to focus on photo transfer and Mono print. I wanted to focus on the view I have on my father. Growing up, I saw my dad in as a strong, giant, smart man but distant with me. As I have grown up and away from him I have gotten to know him more as a person and not as my father. I am watching him age, get weaker and smaller... I see the lines on his face from years of laughter, worry and hard work. Knowing I am the cause of some of those lines that map his life on his face. I have a better understand of him now as an adult, and around the age he was when he had me. I have a better understanding of how he wanted to raise me and the freedom, I saw as distance, he gave me to let me enjoy being young. I wanted to try and document how I see my dad then and now. The role I had in his life as well as the role he had in mine. I liked the idea of creating memories and feelings towards my dad, when i stopped just thinking of him as there for me, b

Post Impressionism.

Post impressionism is a movement in 1886 that shows the changes in Impressionism. Some of the key artists include: Paul Gauguin  1848-1903 Paul Cezanne  1839-1906 Vincent Van Gogh  1853-1890 Georges Seurat 1859-1891                                                           Paul Cezanne A French Painter, Cezanne is known to have formed the bridge between 19th century and early 20th century art. He is known as the father of cubism because of his exploration with perspective. He is known also for his exploratory brushstrokes and use of colour. Paul Cézanne  The Gardener Vallier c.1906 Paul Cézanne  Still Life with Water Jug c.1892–3 Cezanne is very well known for his still life paintings, he would paint the same objects over and over again in order to truly capture what he was seeing in different ways. He belived that traditional perspective did not accurately reflect the way we would see things in the real world, with the eye having multiple view points.

Final Images

For my Final images i had decided to focus on still life. I have all my images on a USB. But these are the Unedited and edited final images.  As i said in my previous blog post, i became very interested in using the theme of still life. I like it because it gives an insight into how i, and other people, see objects. Alison watt I wanted to reference Alison Watt, as my images reminded me of her work I had looked at in my painting unit. I think its better to look at other inspirations outside photography and photographers when taking images.  If you want to design a kettle, don't look at other kettles...  I think her work is a good example of how people see things differently. I have always thought her work feels very feminine. I can see a resembelence to a vagina.   I also came across a photographer called Vilde Rolfsen. He uses lights to photograph plastic bags, making them appear like abstracted landscapes. I have always been interested