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Showing posts from May, 2016


For my portfolio i decided to open with one of my photography images, because i thought it was quite strong, and i put another one at the end. I added a few observational drawings, i tried to go b&w, colour, b&w, colour... I had a lot more pencil / charcoal drawings than colour, that i actually didn't like,  i would like to use more colour next year and over the holidays to get a feel for it. I also added in a few collages and speed drawings. i really like this image above, of the man, i think i had a couple of seconds to draw and i love the marks made on the paper, they look very confident. Its really good to sit back and reflect on my work at this point. I am not as happy as i could be, but it has given me the push i need for next year! i am so excited to get stuck back into college work and having the excitement of a new unit. i also added two sketch books in my portfolio. I liked these as they had a lot of my work ins


Being advised to sign off of work because of stress and exhaustion is such a great feeling. Being told by my parents that i have nothing to be stressed or exhausted about is also great... because to them my sister is the only one who is effected by stress... i love my sister but i get stressed as well. Worrying about money all the time is also a fucking great feeling. Being told that i cannot be supported financially or get my travel covered in my third year, my most important year is such an amazing feeling. Telling the people around me i am struggling and to be told  education is for the rich! feels amazing! Being told your whole life you need to know what you want to do, finally finding your purpose, finding yourself and then being told you cannot do it feels great! I am finding this is effecting my art in a way, my draw to repetition i.e. repeat pattern is connected to what feels like a mundane, repetitive life. And the only spark of light is art. So maybe i should take a st


Today I was playing around with the scanner at college. I was trying out techniques for my upcoming exam, and wanted to try out a repeat pattern I started with one drawing I did a few weeks ago of this hammer  I then photocopied it, reducing the size then I put them together and scanned them again   I decided to colour the little hammers in and repeat it  And again...  I really enjoyed doing this and played around with the layout a bit, I also helped a friend do this with one of his drawings. The end result was quite interesting  My tutor said we could try going over it in a light box and playing around with that or moving the pattern about! Lots of fun and something I really got into. I then went to my sisters and she showed me how she uses her scanner in her work with her body and we made some of me  A lot of fun and very interesting, I think this is something I will keep doing and keep working on! I really liked how creepy some of them turned out and will go back next week to learn

Last portfolio report

I wanted to think about what kind of reports i have done so far and what i have learnt. I have looked at students who have portfolio's for further education, artists who use their portfolio to sell work online and artists who use a portfolio for personal reflection. I have looked at the pro's and con's of digital and paper portfolio's and how they work for each artist. I wanted to think about the pro's and con's i have learnt a bit... Digital Pro's: Easily accessible Portable Reaches a wider audience ( online ) Con's: Effects mood of work if on screen People view images constantly online and are more likely to flick past it on a computer Cannot get a good idea of size or texture Loosing parts digitally stored Paper based Pro's: Easier to connect with viewer if in the flesh Can see size and texture Shows commitment to viewer by physically bringing your portfolio to them Gives the viewer a better feel/ connection with the work Con

Mounting my images!

I started off with 8 images and played around with the layout, i didn't measure them out because i was just trying to figure out how i wanted them... The idea was that i would have a fork then full meals that were collaged then a knife and the three on another piece of mount board, the teeth then the two snacks. BUT i didn't like the knife and fork, i thought they made it look cheesy? or just not right to me... i wanted to go back to the idea of these being landscapes in a way and decided to play around with them more! I liked these images but i changed them around, i liked that the line follows through the middle. What i liked about it was that you can flip it around and it works from all angles so i decided to move the middle image to the outside and i changed the teeth image for one of the melon. I liked the dark and light contrast on each side so that you can see it from different angles and that contrast will always be there. I will n