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Showing posts from February, 2016

Portfolio - Linda Lovatt

Another artists i want to look at is Linda Lovatt, who's portfolio my class and i  viewed at the beginning of the year, when she came into our college. I think seeing Linda Lovatt's portfolio made me understand how a portfolio should look more than some of the other people who came in, because it showed her work from after she left college to present day. So i could see her creative progress a lot more, this is something to note for my portfolio. I thought this was very interesting because her old works were so different to what she dose now, as i explained in my report on her. One thing i learned was that Lovatt makes her money from selling her works at art fairs and exhibitions. Her digital portfolio, i think, is very important in making that happen. I digital portfolio compared to a paper based one is very easy to send out to clients to show her works, i touched on this importance in my last report and also about the importance of a web sight when selling your work ( http

Experimenting with photography

 I found an artist, on Pinterest, called  Johan Thörnqvist, i started looking through his work and i really liked them, i couldn't find out much about his techniques ect, as most thing written about him on the internet are in Swedish. I did find a web sight with some of his work ( ).  I really liked these and they made me think about what i can do in my photography, what if i took the photos and painted on top of them? I really liked this idea i decided to try it out with some of the photographs i had taken for my other unit. I started with this image by just let my imagination flow... I think i drew the mice because when i was younger i used to look at a wall or shelves or something and image how a tiny person or a small animal would make there way to the top. I quite liked this technique and decided to take it further! I liked the idea of using the mice on a photograph of my cat, i thought it was a

Capturing movement in photography

I wanted to try and capture movement in photography, i started by photographing my kitten, because she moves so fast i thought it would be a good way to try it out before moving outside. I am still new to photography so i am trying to really see how to form a photograph, this image above, captures movement but there is too much going on in the back ground and it is low quality, this is a snap not a photograph. i decided to 'set up a scene' so to speak with what i had to hand.  I really like this image, i think because you can make out more of her face, but i think the second one really shows more movement. I used my Iphone to take these images and used the fast shutter speed to try and capture her moving. I also decided to try and edit these i didn't do much just added a blue hue, Except for this one below. I liked the pop of red in this image, but decided all the flowers red wouldn't look as good, so i decided to just edit all but one black and white. I

Experimenting with photography - identity

I started off this series of experiments by thinking about myself, how i see myself and how i choose to be seen, how do i identify myself? I started thinking this when i was doing my report on Art Wolfe, looking at his human canvas photographs i wanted to do something with body painting, and i am working on that. But i wanted to try out digital editing first, i enjoy this kind of art and wanted to experiment with it. I started by taking a picture of myself, nothing fancy just me in front of a white background. I have always thought about myself as someone who struggles with identity, in some ways i feel like i stand out but in other ways i feel like i can blend into a background or a crowd when i want too. i kept this thought going by blurring out my face in the photograph. I then decided to change the face and background white to match each other, i liked the way this image looked and felt like it expressed my feelings of no identity. but not strong enough about hiding

Digital Portfolio - David Cass

Another digital portfolio i looked at was by an artist called David Cass. Cass had came into our college to give us a talk on his work and show us his portfolio. When looking at a digital portfolio are you still seeing the creative process? I got a good feel for this with Cass's portfolio as i could see his progress from where he started to where he is now. Starting after he finished College to now. While i was looking at his page online ( ) i could see he has information about upcoming events and exhibitions on his page. This is a big advantage of having a digital portfolio, having a web sight keeps people in the loop of what is going on with your work. It can also be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time, giving you a bigger audience for your work. David Cass has a project to fund his travels called the post card project, having a digital online portfolio means he a big range of clients who can find him online. Again, i have to think about prese

Art & Design Portfolio - Sam Cornwell (Digital)

I decided to start my research on paper based and digital portfolios by first looking at a digital portfolio. One artist who came into the college to do a talk was a photographer called Sam Cornwell, he took us through his digital portfolio. I wanted to think about why his portfolio was digital and not paper based. One of the biggest advantages of a digital portfolio is the accessibility of it. It is easy to send out to employers or people wishing to view it. It is digital so it can easily be send to someone via email or put on a USB and accessed that way. Another reason is unlike a paper based portfolio there is more than one, it is easy to dispatch without spending money on paper to print. It is also instant, you might have to wait a few days for a paper port folio to be sent by mail or spend money on travel to bring it to the person wishing to view it. With a digital portfolio one click and it is sent! I went onto Sam Cornwell's page and found out his portfolio is on his web

Reflections with mirrors

Continuing with my unit on photography in my area, using reflections, I wanted to try and use a broken mirror to reflect buildings and areas of Peebles that i liked. I started at the cross kirk and tryed to reflect it in a different and maybe more abstract way. My laptop charger broke yesterday and I am waiting for a new one to arrive (sigh) so I thought this would be a good time to try out editing photos on my phone, using apps and the editing tools already on my phone.  The first image is the original, I didn't need to crop this because when I took it I used the grid on my camera, to avoid cropping. This was very handy because it helped me understand composition a bit more. I did crop it a little to see how it would look also to help me understand composition. I added a blue hue to the second image and I think it gives it a a different mood.  I did the same with this photo but did not want to zoom in so much I liked the round mirror. This is a reflection of the cross kirk but I l