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Showing posts from October, 2018

Photography : Rommert Boonstra & Laurie Simmons

For photography i wanted to look at artists who use models or staged worlds for their photography because its not something i looked into previous years. From moodel i came across Rommert Boonstra. He is a photographer, poet and theater director. He also taught photography at several art academies.He is well known for his Staged photography and he has Four books are published about his photo works. He uses everyday objects to create these worlds... I am pretty taken aback with these photographs and i am surprised there is not a lot about these images online. The only words i can find to describe them is other worldly. They look like completely different words, like something you would find in science fiction comic. They are just amazing. What i liked about these is the way he has used light and shadows to create the illusion of above and below, in the first 2. He has also used composition and perspective to make you feel like you are inside the world its self. I like

Photography-Art Wolfe

In my first year i looked at a photographer called Art Wolfe who is known for his nature photographs for the covers of national geographic. His work is talked about a lot, and i did another post on this before, about how it is digitally manipulated to create more appealing textures, shapes and colours. I wanted to look at his other work this time, a series he did called Human canvas project. This interested me as i have an interest in body painting as well and themes that talk about social norms and identity. These works are inspired by Wolfe's travels around the world, he uses naked human form as a comment on social standard around the world as well as tribal marking that are used during celebrations and it is also connected to his work before called "Vanishing act" a series of images of animals that use camouflage in nature. I can see that in these images and i like the unusual camera angles. I love the use of black and white also. Th

Ceramics artists.

Jami Porter Lara For my ceramics unit we were asked to look up some ceramic artists. I have never looked at artists that use this medium before so I didn't even know where to start. I decided to look at some of the artists listed on moodle and an artists called Jami Porter Lara caught my eye. Jami Porter Lara is an American artist known for her ceramic work that emulates contemporary plastic bottles. Using these found objects as her inspiration her purpose is to create a new concept in the plastic bottle to try to represent its function as a vessel something that is capable of sustaining human life. She came up with this concept while in the U.S/ Mexican border she also hopes that by taking something like a plastic bottle and making it beautiful she can inspire the viewing to think about ethical beauty as well as an ethics of beauty in the face of human need. I do think so of them look very figurative. I think this is such an interesting concept. I love how shin