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Showing posts from May, 2018

Illustration Evaluation

This unit completely took my by surprise. I knew very little about illustration and felt very intimidated by the unit. I just thought where do i start?. Over the last few years i have found out that is what i always think when i start a new unit. I panic about stepping into a different artistic field. Obviously we were asked to experiment and then produce two final illustrations from any two parts of the book 1984. In class, at the beginning on this unit, we went over a few different artists and together looked at there work. we looked at Joe Sacco, Geoft Grandfield, Edward Ardizzone. At this stage i was quite blown back by the range of ways illustrators work. I started getting very absorbed in the work & loved Thursday class because i didn't know what we would be doing. I loved the time restricted challenges, where we only had a few hours, because i loved pushing myself to see what i could do. I then started looking at Victo Ngai and Tove Jansson.

Illustration unit.

After experimenting with my final images for illustration ( Based on the book 1984) i decided wanted to focus on my final two. The ones i want most drawn to were these two...   I then edited these on Photoshop. What i liked about these is the contrast of normality of the woman doing her washing and the extreme brutality of Julia being pulled away. I liked this "style" of drawing because it is almost childish but i feel it works well in these two settings as both innocent and not. I wanted to experiment more. After experimenting with sketches of different angles and positions for the woman hanging up her clothes i decided i liked this layout the best. I added notes flying in the air of her singing but i didn't think they worked well. They didn't look good against the contrast of the ground and i felt it took something away from it. I decided to go back to the original drawing. I decided i would add some texture and details and play more with sha

Digital Art.

For my digital art unit i have been looking at different elements of digital art that flow in and out of all my other units. Photography, Film, Digital collage, Photo manipulation, Digital Illustration. Matt Herring is  London based Illustrator and graphic artist working in the fields of Advertising, Design and Publishing. This piece of his work really stood out to me.... I love how it looks and i wanted to try and make something inspired by it so i started playing... I really liked using the circles but i wanted to play around more with colour as he did in some of his other work...  I realized how much my Photoshop abilities had grown this past year as i could make these very quickly and easily. I realized how much i love working digitally because it allows me the freedom to express what i am trying to say and let me add all the other elements i love, photography and drawing.  I wanted to take this time to th