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Showing posts from March, 2018

Sarah Lucas - Contemporary Art

Another artist i wanted to look at for my contemporary art unit is Sarah Lucas, mainly because i think her work is so interesting but i don't know much about her and her process, even though i think i would like to and i would find it interesting... lets see. Born in 1962 she is an English artist and part of the Young British Artists (that emerged during the 1990).  Her work seems to be very full of puns and funny... Punny. It include photography, collage and found objects. The first work i noticed and  wanted to look closer at is a series of self portraits she made from 1990–98. Eating a Banana Divine Self portrait with mug of tea Self portrait with knickers Self portrait with fried eggs Human Toilet 2 Fighting fire with fire Self portrait with skull Got a salmon on #3 Summer Smoking Human Toilet Revisited 1998  I get a the sense these works are playing with the idea of identity and gender rolls that are stem

Rachel Whiteread - Contemporary Art

For my contemporary art unit i really wanted to write a report on Rachel Whiteread.  Rachel Whiteread was born in London, in 1963. She then studied painting in Brighton and sculpture at the Slade School of Art in London from 1985 to 1987. She was also the first woman to win a Turner Prize (1993). In her work She uses industrial materials, things you wouldn't associate with typical artist materials like plaster, concrete, resin, rubber and metal and takes casts of everyday objects and building spaces.  What i find so interesting about her work is how she uses the negative space to make a sculptor.  When went to my first ever life drawing class i was told to look at the negative space around, between or under the model to help with scale and form.  Untitled The invisible spaces in the world that we don't think about, that is what Whitehead's work turns my focus to. Her work,technique or even just sculptor is something i have never looked into or

Painting to a theme.

For my painting unit i decided to use the theme interior. I wanted to focus on self portraits. I wanted to create portraits that expressed my interior. Mood, feeling and what i see inside myself.  I started by looking at what we had learnt in the first stage of this unit, colour theory. I tried using different colour combinations on just simple self portraits. I have always liked a cooler pallet more so, as i love cool blues. But i did try to do warmer paintings as well as complimentary and triad colours.I found a big pull towards using watercolours and i wanted to take this time to practise.  After experimenting with colour i decided that what i would like to focus on was collage, i had been enjoying it so much with my other units i thought it would be a good way to keep the interest in my work. For my other units i looked at collage artists and posted blogs but i also kept them, and what i had learnt, in mind while doing this unit.  I felt like

Contextual Studies - Collages

Because of the weather i was unable to carry on with my physical collages as the college was closed and i had no access to a printer, i decided to carry on with creating digital collages.  I have been looking at Dada / Surrealism collages and using artists from both to help inspire collages. I found a pull more towards the idea of surrealism collages, using elements of dreams or fantasy as inspiration. I really enjoyed making collages that combined pre 1960 photography and more modern images. I started by looking through images and finding inspiration from it, then working on top of that.   I try to let my imagination go as much as i can with these, i think about position of up and down, sky, space, sea, land and people and the role they play around us, i then try to move it around, creating layers that make images. It is ,in a way, a lot easier to make physical collages because of the cutting and cropping. if i find an image i want to use cropping it on p