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Showing posts from March, 2017

Specialist Techniques FILM: Sound

I wanted to take some time to look at sound ... Unlike my film I made before I should pay as much attention to sound as i do to the images... Why should I use sound? a silly question probably but sound never even crossed my mind when I decided to look into film. Sound and film go hand in hand I know I can use sound to help show where and when the film is set, draw attention to  things in the film, create an atmosphere or set a mood, depict a character, warn that something is about to happen... I found these tips online :  ( ) If you can’t record good live sound, fake the sound.  It’s better to put your soundtrack together on the computer when you edit rather than have bad sound. Use a separate microphone.  You could use a directional microphone or a tieclip (‘lavalier’) microphone. Or you could use a separate audio recorder and sync the sound up afterwards. If you have to use an in-camera or on-camera microphone, ge

View Point : digital experiments (PART 1)

I wanted to start by looking at hand made covers or images, these are in my sketch book. i started with this image that i then photo copied and did a repeat pattern then painted on top of it. I then took the image and used an over lay of a paint texture over it to try and express the same idea i had with the physical paint. I liked the contrast of physical and digital, but i wanted to clean it up a little in the cross separation.  As an experiment i like it, maybe not the actual imagery but the idea of using both to make imagery. I then decided to make a simple collage and photograph it then work on it digitally... I wanted to keep my theme of abuse in mind so i cut the photograph to resemble something broken, separated or fractured. This was the image i started with, very simple. I played around with this image a few times. I wanted to look at colour, message and type.  This first images i wanted to look more feminine feel to it, i liked the circula

Specialist Techniques - FILM - part 1

II felt a bit overwhelmed, like i do at the start of most units, but more so because i chose film, something i have always had an interest in but never looked into before. I felt the same way when i looked at photography... like a big world i new nothing about. I decided to look back at how i started my photography unit and do the same,  look at artists, make notes and then try it out and maybe expand on it. William Kentridge. His films are constructed by drawing, filming it, making changes, and filming it again. He gives each change to the drawing a quarter of a second to two seconds' screen time. His drawings, along with the films, are shown as finished pieces of art. I really like his films made from charcoal drawings, they are always on the same sheet of paper, instead of traditional animation when its drawn on separate sheets. I like the methodology to his work and i find it interesting that, by drawing he gets a better understanding of the pain and because of

View point Task 1.

Conduct market research into the range of publications available for the target age group . Free and for sale. Contemporary and historical sources - visual and non - visual.  I wanted to start my research with a range of publications. At this point i am unsure where i am going / what i want to do so i thought i would just start with exploring a wide range of publications as the brief says to try and find my interest. I started with a well known magazine that 18 - 30 year olds would look at, i thought about interests and started with fashion.  Vogue  I liked this cover above because it is very minimal, and i think that is more stylish and clean looking. I like the black and white look and the muted tones in it, like the title 'Vogue' i think works really well with the black and white. The magazine usually has more type in it.... I thought this was a good example of what an issue of vogue usually looks like, it is still quite minimal and looks ver

View point - The psychology of advertising

I wanted to look at the the psychology of advertising for my unit View point. I started by looking at something called the ELM theory. The ELM ( Elaboration likelihood model) is a theory that claims there are two paths to persuasion. The first is : The Central Path , this is a technique used when the receiver or the viewer is motivated to think about the message and has the ability to think about the message. If the person cares about the issue, is involved in it and is viewing it with no distractions, then the person will elaborate on the message. So if i was viewing an advert for something i cared about, had time to research into i would be paying more attention and there for be more likely have an interest in it and i would not change my mind after i made a purchase because of my involvement into it. If the message of the advertisement is something i feel neutral about or is something i am not properly taking in then thats when an advert might take T he Peripheral Path, thes

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Another artist i have been asked to look at for my print making unit is Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, and i have been asked to look at his woodcuts. So before i started i wanted to have a look at woodcuts and understand them, last week i was looking at a book called "printing without a press" and it spoke about woodcuts and the history of them. So i read that woodblock printing is a technique for printing images, patters and text. It originated in China. So essentially it is carving into wood, rolling ink over it and putting it on the paper and pressing it down. The history of this technique as i started reading was HUGE and deserves its own post, something i am working on for my own print making. So the first image i found of Kirchner's woodcuts was this one below... "Five Women on the Street" (1914), woodcut on blotting paper, by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. I found this print striking because of the use of line, i love the sharpness of it. The women have very