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Showing posts from January, 2019

Art & Design project HNC

Art & Design project HNC This year for project i wanted to work with moving image again but try and really push myself. i dont want to ignore the fact that i have done research before, i want this to seem like i am pushing forwards from what i have done before. Here are blog posts i have done in the past that i am going to use as a foundation to build upon. Tony Oursler  is an American multimedia and installation artist. I looked at his work last year. I really liked his work, I love the first two and the use of 3D mapping for the proje

Photography - equipment

For my photography unit we were asked to write a report on 5 different types of photographing equipment. I decided to write one post with all 5 different types. Starting with Pin hole. Pin hole camera/ Solar Can A pinhole camera is a light proof box without a lens but with a tiny aperture, a pinhole, on one side. Light  passes through the aperture and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box. I have never used a 'pin hole camera' but i have used a Solar Can, which uses the same principle. The Solarcan was invented by photographer Sam Cornwell. The Solarcan is a unique camera designed to capture the Sun’s path across the sky. It is made from a tin can which has light sensitive paper curved around the inside. It works the same way as the pinhole camera. Point your can south, as the sun moves across the sky it exposes its path
