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Showing posts from February, 2017

Samuel palmer print report

Samuel palmer  Painter, etcher, printmaker and writer. I have been quite interested in how writing can influence art work so that it grabs my interest straight away. So first i looked at some of his Etchings... The Bellman, Etching I like the fact that this one is in a circle in the centre of the paper! the negative space really draws me into the image and what is going on. The Lonely T ower  1879, reprinted 19 73. Etching on paper I was really drawn to this one ( the lonely tower). I love how dark this is, the detail is very interesting to me because I find when I go darker with my work, I loose the detail, that is what I always thought but, do I? By saying less, do you say more? An impression of something is more visually enchanting because your mind makes up the missing bits? Apparently so!  So how does it make me feel? It makes me feel calm, something I needed right now. It is beautiful. The low moon in the sky, the stars and the way the

Painting unit experiments.

For my painting unit i have been looking at the subconscious mind, what is behind the scenes of the subconscious mind?  While i have been working on this unit, i have been documenting my dreams in a small book, and while i have been creating images from my dreams using colour, shape and mood i have had a running theme on all my dreams, its something i have had since i was very young. Nightmares. I am obsessed with horror, fear and the psychology behind what is perceived as scary. Because of this fascination i read, watch and listen to everything horror related, almost everyday. So much so, in fact that i am completely desensitised to it, i have nightmares but they are not really scary in fact they are in some ways very beautiful... to me. In my "nightmares" what i am doing, or what is happening is scary but i do not feel the fear... in fact i do not really understand why it is scary until i wake up and analyse it.1 In some ways what i am doing is scary but the end


Giovanni Battista Piranesi.  Instead of looking up his history/ who he was / what he was about, I decided to look at his work first. The Sawhorse , ca. 1761 From the series  Le Carceri d’invenzione, pl. xii I find this etching very absorbing, i find the use of light and dark tones very attractive. This etching really pulls me in, because i find it quite cryptic / mysterious. It makes me want to ask a lot of questions... It actually makes me think of a game a play called Skyrim, and I think this is why I am so drawn too it. I wonder what drew him to create these. I also find these oddly peaceful in a way to view, because of the detail and also because of the tonal use, it makes it appear Very still and quite. I have been thinking a lot about etchings and now I have tried it out myself a little (not with the same technique) I am finding an immense appreciation for the process of it. The amount of pure skill I have seen while writing these reports has bee